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Introduction Founding OAT A Message from Colin Renfrew HADAS Greetings Time Team Scorradale House

A Message from Colin Renfrew

I first met Daphne Lorimer in 1973 when she took part in the excavation at the chambered cairn of Quanterness.

Since then we have been in touch through several of her roles, all involving her knowledge and love of Orcadian antiquities.

The recent successes in bringing the archaeology of Orkney to the attention of a wider public - the establishment of the Orkney Archaeological Trust; the World Heritage status for Skara Brae, the Ring of Brodgar and Maeshowe, the partnership with Orkney College; the international conferences - are the product of the enthusiasm and commitment of several people.

Daphne Lorimer is prominent among them, and she has played a significant role in bringing such contributions together to make effective the conservation of the heritage of Orkney. So it is a pleasure to acknowledge and celebrate these achievements and to salute Daphne's contribution.

Colin Renfrew

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