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Time Team in Orkney

Since OAT was formed the Time Team has made two trips to Orkney. The first was to work on the Ness of Brough in Sanday. The results are currently in post-excavation with Steve Dockrill and Julie Bond at Bradford University.

Daphne visited the site with Neil and Rosemary McCance, Sheena Wenham and Rosemary Jenkins (pictured below).

Phil Harding (Time Team), Olly Owen (Historic Scotland), Julie Gibson (OAT), Tom Muir (Orkney Museum)
Julie Gibson (OAT), Phil Harding (Time Team)
Time Team 3
Time Team's Carenza Lewis and others clean up a cairn.

The Combmaking Sequence

During the Time Team visit to Sanday, a replica antler comb was created for the programme.

Comb 1
Keith Prosser starts work on the comb
Comb 2
Keith Prosser at work
Time Team 3
Time Team's Mick Aston tries out the finished comb
Excavation 1
Time Team's Phil Harding at work on the Ness of Brough
The excavation at the Ness of Brough
Time Team 3
Visiting the dig
Time Team
Enjoying the Sanday sunshine
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